ক্যাটালগ এর সাইজ

বর্তমানে অনেক ব্যাবসায় ইন্টার্নেট এবং ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং ভিত্তিক হয়ে যাচ্ছে, কিন্তু তারপরও অনেকেই প্রিন্ট মার্কেটিং স্ট্রেটেজি অনুসরন করে। যদিও ডিজিটাল বিজ্ঞাপন অনেক বড় মাধ্যম হয়ে দাড়িয়েছে, তবুও প্রিন্ট এর বিজ্ঞাপন অনেক ভালো রেজাল্ট নিয়ে আসে।

কাগজে ছাপিয়ে বিজ্ঞাপ এর মাধ্যম গুলোর মধ্যে ক্যাটালগ একটি অন্যতম মাধ্যম। প্রোডাক্ট এবং প্রোডাক্ট লাইন দেখানোর জন্য ক্যাটালগ একটি মান সম্মত মাধ্যম। এটা উৎকৃষ্ট, লাক্সারিয়াস এবং ভিজুয়াল ফ্রেন্ডলি বিজ্ঞাপনের যথা উপযুক্ত উপায়। এই মাধ্যমে প্রোডাক্টের একটি সতেজ ছবি তুলে ধরে ভোক্তার নিকট। আপনার ব্যাবসার সাথে কোন ক্যাটালগ এর সাইজ সঠিক হবে তা এখানে তুলে ধরলাম। 

উপরে ডিজাইন গুলো আমার করা না, এটা ডিজাইনে উদাহরন হিসেবে দেখানো হয়েছে। এবং ছবি গুলোর সোর্স দিয়ে দেওয়া হয়েছে। আপনি প্রয়োজনে মূল ছবি গুলো দেখে আসাতে পারেন।

নিছে বহুল ব্যাবহৃহ ব্যাবসায় এর প্রকার ভেদে ক্যাটাল এর সাইজ দেওয়া হয়েছে।  

৫'.৫" X ৮'.৫" :  এটা ছোট ক্যাটাগরির ক্যাটলগ, যথেষ্ট স্পেস এবং ডিসক্রিপশন সহ প্রোড়াক্ট ইমেজ দেখানে যায় খুব সহজে। 

৬'X৬' সর্বোচ্ছ ৬'X৯ ': এই ধরনের ক্যাটলগ গুলো স্কয়ার অথবা রেকটেংগুলার সাইজের হয়। কম ভলিয়ম প্রোডাক্ট ও সার্ভিস দেখানোর জন্য এই সাইজ ব্যাবহার করা হয়ে থাকে। মিনিমাল কোন কিছু দেখানোর জন্য এই ধরনের ক্যাটলগ সাইজ নেওয় হয়। 

৮’.৫”X১১' সর্বোচ্ছ ৯'X১২' : এটা ক্লদিং এবং পোষাক শিল্পে বহুল ব্যাবহৃত একটা ক্যাটালগ এর সাইজ। 

১২'X১২" : এটা বড় ক্যাটালগ এর জন্য একটি উপযুক্ত সাইজ। যাদের অনেক বেশি প্রোডাক্ট এবং সার্ভিস আছে তাদের জন্য এই ক্যাটালগ এর সাইজ উপযুক্ত এবং তারা একটা পেইজেই অনেক তথ্য রাখতে পারে যা সাধরণত সুপার শপ, ডিপার্টমেন্টাল স্টোর গুলো এই ক্যাটালগ এর সাইজ নিয়ে কাজ করে থাকে।


Photoshop Tips and Tricks for Beginners


Photoshop is one of the great tools to show your creative skills in the digital representation. Suppose you got an Idea to implement a child in the sky. Now the Photoshop will help to implement your idea in professional bodies.

Do you know How long takes Photoshop miracle to come into our lives that take about 30 years in 2021.  Though if you never work with this software you cannot ignore the domination of Photoshop in our daily life. All after the rules of Photoshop has become more compact into the digital lives that we have even turned in into verb to narrate all altered photos.


Let I tell you about the confidential secret striking shored of a graphics designer. Nearly anyone can get access to this secret and that is Photoshop.


There are is always things to learn in Photoshop. From here anyone can learn basic Photoshop. I never stop to feel that I am good at Photoshop. Everyone shall fill it because Photoshop itself never-ending. Today I want shear some of my discovered Photoshop tricks and tips by homework. Here are some of our favorite simple tips and tricks for Photoshop beginners:


§  Transform: Change the size of an image, rotate, flip, or distort it!
§  Change the Unit of Measurement
§  Magnetic Lasso Tool
§  Magic Wand Tool
§  Custom Shape Tool
§  Adjustment Layers
§  Layer Styles
§  Spot Healing Brush
§  Dodge Tool
§  Blur Tool



Note: All shortcuts in this article are phrased for PC users. Mac people – you know what to do.

Change: Change the size of a picture, turn, flip, or contort it!


Snap Alter > at that point click Change > and select the activity you want.


Or on the other hand attempt shortcuts routes to make life much simpler:


Press Ctrl + T on your console and a jumping box will at that point show up around the picture, demonstrating change. This implies you would now be able to resize your picture. The most ideal approach to do so is by setting the cursor on one of the square shape corners of the container and afterward hauling the corner while holding the Move key. At the point when you're done simply press Enter and you're finished.


To flip your picture vertically or on a level plane press Ctrl + T and afterward right snap your mouse. A popup window will show up with a couple of alternatives for pivoting and flipping the picture. Select the activity you need and when you are done press Enter.


To mutilate or slant a picture press Ctrl + T and afterward place the cursor on whichever corner you need to twist. Press Ctrl while holding your mouse down on whichever corner of the picture you're hoping to transform and drag it down to your ideal point, at long last press Enter to enact.

Change the Unit of Measurement

A short and brisk approach to switching between units of estimations that you're working with is to put your cursor on one of the rulers on your lattice (press Ctrl + R to show or shroud the rulers), and right-click, at that point pick another unit from the setting menu. There you'll locate a wide assortment of units, from centimeters to pixels, millimeters, focuses, and even percents.


Magnetic Lasso Tool


Found in plain sight in your Photoshop tool-panel, the Lasso tool is basically man’s gift to photo editing.



This easy selection tool helps you trace and outline the exact part of an image that you’re looking to edit, and then separate it from the rest of your image in order to perform certain actions. For example, you can select and separate a product from its background. Nearly fool-proof, the magnetic lasso tool detects the edges of an object, so it works best when you have a bold contrast between an object and its background with well-defined edges.



Magic Wand Tool

The Wizardry Wand is another determination apparatus, ideal for when you are working with a foundation that is more droning and steady (like a strong tone or clear blue sky).


The Enchantment Wand apparatus is frequently used to switch up foundations or enormous shading blocks. To utilize it, pick the Wizardry Wand device from the board of the device and snap with respect to the picture you need to choose. Ensure that you flipped the "add to determination" choice on the top bar (symbol of two squares) so you can push ahead with exchanging up the shadings and tones of your choice.


Custom Shape Tool


The Wizardry Wand is another determination apparatus, ideal for when you are working with a foundation that is more droning and steady (like a strong tone or clear blue sky).


The Enchantment Wand apparatus is frequently used to switch up foundations or enormous shading blocks. To utilize it, pick the Wizardry Wand device from the board of the device and snap with respect to the picture you need to choose. Ensure that you flipped the "add to determination" choice on the top bar (symbol of two squares) so you can push ahead with exchanging up the shadings and tones of your choice.


Adjustment Layers


A really shocking picture for the most part has more to it than meets the eye. That is the thing that makes the Change Layers apparatus so significant. The Change Layers instrument allows you to change the shading and tint of your picture by adding a top layer to it. The best part about this component is by adding that additional layer, you can thoroughly invert your progressions while keeping the remainder of your picture flawless. You will discover Change Layers in the lower part of the Layers Board (a high contrast circle symbol).


Layer Styles


This is a straightforward and simple approach to add some spirit to your picture. Layer Styles are enhancements that can be immediately applied to singular layers of your picture. You should simply double tap on a layer and afterward pick the impact you like.


You can choose from an entire assortment of highlights, add a stroke or a gleam, drop a shadow, and significantly more with simply a tick of the mouse. Be cautious you don't try too hard. These impacts tend to look modest when utilized in overabundance.

Spot Healing Brush


Probably the tool that Photoshop is best known for, this tool was created to remove life’s little imperfections. The spot header brush is that magic tool that we wish was around in our awkward teenage years to make pimples disappear from every picture. Just place the brush over the area you want to “fix”, make sure the brush is a bit bigger than the blemish, and click. Photoshop automatically samples from around the retouched area to color match your image to perfection.

Dodge Tool

The Avoid Apparatus helps pixels any place you use it. So all in all, it's the ideal Photoshop instrument to get rid of "tired eyes". Set the Avoid The instrument to a delicate brush, go to Reach setting in the menu bar's drawdown, and pick features, set Introduction on around 20%. At that point cautiously brush over the eye zone. Recall not to try too hard, or your model will begin to resemble an outsider. A couple of basic strokes ought to take care of the work.


Blur Tool


At times all you require from Photoshop is to get rid of some scarcely discernible differences. That is the place where the Haze instrument comes in. This basic device does something amazing to eliminate little wrinkles by obscuring them a tad. Utilize the Haze device to streamline little flaws like the wrinkles around the eye or mouth zone and just haze them out of the spotlight. Once more, be delicate and recall not to try too hard or as opposed to improving your picture or you can wind up ruining it.



 I took this idea from the 10 Photoshop Tips and Tricks for Beginners
 I really appreciate the work. his works he made our going in the designing carrier.


We #fazlasykat work as a am to build creative design and clippingpath service #fiverr. Just have a look at the ice if you and we both go through it the working.

Here is my fiver account - You will have a look (fazlasykat)

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How to open two same documents in the Photoshop Window 2021


My goal in this blog, I will let you know amazing Photoshop Tips, Tricks, and hacks that you probably don’t know. That will be helped in your workflow and productivity pretty soon.


I will ask you for a favor if you find anything good in this writing then do like and comment below in the comment box. Let me know your suggestion appreciation also welcome but not important.
Today I am going to show you how to open the document in the different window.


Let’s talk about why these Photoshop tips are important? When we will work on a project sometimes we need to keep our project in the eye of the out and zoom in the ow in the same time. This Tricks will help you to get this in any way.


First, you need to go top left side of the Photoshop  Interface jut next to the help you would see the Window option If you click on it there would some other option will come up. In those the on you will see the first one is Arrange Just click or Huber over on the Arrange that will show you many more options.


show you may more options

If you look at the om one of the arranging options you can see a new window for the ting window. Just click on that button and you will see the to window will popup in front of you in the photoshop interface.


Now you can work together in the same window with full zoom view and zoom out  that will be more accurate and comfortable to work in photoshop.


In the Arrange option there are some interesting divination of the window what you would like to work with there are many more options and you can choose any of them.


2 window at the same time


Just above the I show you how to you can see those windows at the same time and keep eye on the 2 windows. In these two window, ou can work at the same time that is a very smart way of using Photoshop and this is Photoshop tips tricks to build your designing carrier




I hope this #photoshoptips will be useful for the designer. You will let me know tips If I could shear in my way.


I took this idea from YouTube tutorial name 19 AMAZING Photoshop Tips, Tricks, and Hacks (That You Probably DON'T Know) I really appreciate the work. his works he made our going in the designing carrier.


We #fazlasykat work as a am to build creative design and clippingpath service #fiverr. Just have a look at the ice if you and we both go through it the working.

Here is my fiver account - You will have a look (fazlasykat)

You Probably DON'T Know AMAZING Photoshop Tips, Tricks, and Hacks

My goal in this blog, I will let you know amazing Photoshop Tips, Tricks, and hacks that you probably don’t know. That will be helped in your workflow and productivity pretty soon.

I will ask you for a favor if you find anything good in this writing then do like and comment below in the comment box. Let me know your suggestion appreciation also welcome but not important.

Let’s get started ------------

Frist Tricks I am going to show you.

How to choose the color in Photoshop from any software. Let me tell you what I mean by that.  With the eyedropper tool, you can choose any color from the inside of Photoshop. But I will show you how you can do that in other browsers or software.   

photoshop color sampler tool toolbox thumb

To select the color by the Eyedropper tool from outside We should keep Photoshop another browser should be open side by side because it will let us go to other applications to pick the colors. So keep two users interface together like I show in the below image.

photoshop and chrome thumb

 Keep Google Chrome or any other application next to the Phototrophs and Click hold and go anywhere you can pick a color.

I hope this #photoshoptips will be useful for a designer. You will let me know tips If I could shear in my way.

I took this from YouTube tutorial name 19 AMAZING Photoshop Tips, Tricks, and Hacks (That You Probably DON'T Know)


See you in the next post.


Here is my fiver account -  You will have a look (fazlasykat)

Most easy way to remove background using Adobe Photoshop Artificial Intellect (AI) only in five steps


Hey, this is Fazla Karim Sykat from fazalsykat. We are going to talk about Photoshop tips and tricks.

If we talk about background removal in Photoshop there would many things coming up such as clipping path, Photoshop masking, image clipping, multi clipping, css3 clip-path, inscape clipping path, and many more things. We will talk more details on this in the service in detail Cullum.


Let’s talk about an easy and 100% working background masking the method it’s called Quick Select with masking Method.

Before And AFTER


There are few stapes:

1.      1. We need to open an image to work with I will always prefer a solid background.

2.      2. Select the layer then go to select next click Select & Mask... or click Alt+Ctrl+R.

3.      3. Under the Properties from the View Mode chose Onion Skin (O) mode to keep opacity 50%.

4.      4. Use selection and select the object.

5.      5. Then Select Subject. It will take a little time to be done.


Rage the opacity and will see the image clipping.


We will talk about more in the next blog click here to see

I would like to add some refer Youtube Video would help most

Video 1

Video 2

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